Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I thought I would be keeping this blog more up to date during the transfer and 2 week wait.  I totally failed.  So I will do a bit of back tracking before I explain what is going on right now.

FET was Tuesday May 20th.  We showed up at the clinic around noon.  My transfer was scheduled for 12:30.  I was told to come with a full bladder and I did!  My clinic is fancy.  One building is where the regular sonos, appointments, blood draws, IUI's etc happen.  The other building is where the labs are and where the operating rooms are.  They perform Egg retrievals there, some testing such as the HSG, and FETs.  We show up sign the paperwork, pay our bill and ushered by a sweet young nurse to a room where I  put on a gown and the husband is given scrubs.  Nurse "Sweet thing" as I will call her gave me a Valium.  That was an unexpected bonus!  The embryologist came in and talked to us and gave me a picture of the two embies we were transferring.  I saw those little blobs on and it all became real. 

By this time it was well past 12:30pm and my bladder felt like it might explode.  Dr. B came in, gave me a pep talk and then they rolled me back to one of the Operating rooms.  This freaked me out a bit.  I just wasn't expecting a full operating room for a FET.  It was all dark and I saw my favorite sonographer there and another nurse.  They got me situated and I got nervous.  They had warned us that Dr. B didn't like talking during a FET.  So I just laid there quietly while they discussed how beautiful my uterus looked on the monitors.

The embryologists came in and verified my name again and then handed Dr. B my embies which he passed through a catheter and the sonographer showed us where he was placing them.  We saw a burst of white light and it was done. She replayed it so we could see it again.  I thought this moment would make me cry.  I didn't.  I just layed there and watched ... in awe.  They then moved me back to my recovery room and made me lie there for a while before I could pee.  THAT was uncomfortable!  They let me pee then made me lie back down for 45 minutes.  The husband then drove me home and I slept a couple of hours as the valium made me so sleepy.

Two embies transferred. Just like that.

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