Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mini Meltdown

Let me preface this post that I am EXHAUSTED!  I haven't slept well in days, jet lag is STILL a factor, I have a cold, and oh yeah I am growing TWO babies inside of me.

I am so grateful for this pregnancy.  I have dreamed about this time for years and I have prayed for this.  I told myself I wouldn't be one of those women who complained about pregnancy.  But it is hard.  I just feel so bad physically and so exhausted. I know this is all minor and this is what I not only signed up for but wanted and pleaded for.  So I feel like a total bitch and hypocrite for not "enjoying" pregnancy.  Pregnancy is scary.  Twin pregnancy is crazy.  My body is going through crazy amount of changes which is yes a miracle and amazing.  But also scary.  Every pull or twinge is scary. I still check for blood every time I go to the bathroom. I am petrified that something is wrong.  I am so anxious about my scan next week. I am trying to remain positive but I think the exhaustion is just wearing me down.

Last night the husband and I had our first fight since I got pregnant.  We don't fight often. I think our last fight was in like February.  Anyways I was tired and he was a jerk.  We talked it through but it was a reminder to me how he really doesn't get it.  I mean he is a guy he really can't.  Sigh.

ok enough venting. 


  1. Don't feel bad for complaining one bit!!! I thought the same thing when I was pregnant. I felt bad complaining and knew I should just be grateful. but pregnancy is HARD AS HELL. And no one will truly understand until they have gone through it. So you have all the rights to complain here and there. That doesn't mean you are not grateful, it just means you are human and pregnant :) and pregnant with twins at that. So complain and vent away!!
