Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Finally Shark Week!

My period has many names... this confuses my poor husband because he never knows what I am referring to.

Shark Week
Aunt FLo
Uncle Red
Crimson Wave
Bloody Mary
The Beyotch
La Sangre

After my cancelled IVF cycle I knew things could be a bit wonky.  Even though I knew that being over a week late sent some crazy thoughts in my head.  What if I got knocked up naturally? It is possible as I am not sterile.  I would be super happy yet totally petrified though.  After a couple chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. I honestly don't think my eggs can produce a viable pregnancy.  Dr. B says that isn't totally true.  He said it is "possible" but give me abut a 3% chance.  Well those aren't very good odds.  Even if that is true I still believe in Miracles. So I believe ANYTHING is possible.  I asked my husband what we would do if I did get pregnant between now and using all our embryos.  He said he would be thrilled and we will just have to have more kids.   I liked that answer :)

I have taken a test every couple of days and they were all negative. I did get a shadow line one morning that almost made me lose my mind.  It could be a chemical that showed up for a day but I really think it was just an evap line or a faulty test.  My clinic offered me provera to jump start my period but I held them off and told them I would take it if it didn't come by Monday. Last night woke up at 3am and went to the bathroom and there she was!  No warning or anything!  Just BAM! I took 2 Aleve went back to bed.   I was so freakin happy. 

I can't believe I just blogged about my period.  I don't even know who I am anymore.

Waiting on Oklahoma's period now.  It is ironic to me that our cycles are almost to the day.  We aren't doing a fresh transfer so it doesn't matter really. Now I really never thought I would blog about my period then blogs about some strangers who I am waiting on.  Oh how this isn't thought my life would be.

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