Tuesday, July 15, 2014

11 weeks

Babies are the size of a lime.  A freaking lime! 

I am exhausted!  A combination of growing babies, jet lag and a cold have me WIPED OUT!  I just got back from vacation so I can't miss work.  So I am just trying to get through the day then do nothing at night.  This is hard the husband but I think yesterday he realized I wasn't being dramatic.   I might have also worn myself out from the weekend.  We looked did some cleaning, went to the mall and even a couple of baby stores looking at furniture.  I found the cribs I want!  We won't buy them until after 20 weeks but I feel better knowing what I want.  Now I just need to pick a color for the nursery ( I have it narrowed down) and get that done here in the next few weeks.  So much to do!

My First trimester screening with my MFM is next week.  I am so anxious as I haven't had a sono in over a month.  While I haven't had any bleeding etc the IF brain isn't calm having not seen the babies in so long.  My hormones are looking good as I am still getting weekly checks with my RE for that.  He is starting to ween me off the estrogen and PIO injections.  Probably 2 weeks tops on those!

Cravings:  Not much still.  Which is why I haven't gained any weight ( yay!)  But this morning I had to have a McDonalds sausage biscuit. Cravings are still rare.

Aversions: Still meat in general. Nothing sounds good but things are usually tolerable.

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