Tuesday, May 27, 2014


WARNING (pregnancy post)

I am pregnant.

Like for real pregnant.

I took another test this morning on a FRER and the second line popped up super fast and was almost as dark as the control line.  I was too scared to use a digital but I think I might tomorrow.   I am 7dpa6dt  (13dpo).  My beta is Friday.  I emailed my nurse asking if I had to wait till Friday and she said it was best to so I will have to wait to see what kind of number we are working on.  It is still so early and I am scared.  I know this could all go south in a hot minute.  But I am trying to enjoy being pregnant for today.

Symptoms:  Boobs are killing me, more frequent urnination, mild nausea, twinges here and there in my ute. No appetite.

Cravings: Anything sour (which I normally hate).  Pickles, Olives, Limes..anything tart sounds good.

 I am 4weeks today. The math is confusing but since it was a 6 day transfer I just used a 5 day FET calculator and added a day.  The embryo/s are tiny.  As big as the period at the end of this sentence.  That is small.


  1. Oh my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you! It has been a long two years getting here.... praying it is all worth it in the end!
