Valentines Weekend was pretty non eventful. We just spent the weekend running errands and discussing our upcoming cycle. I tried to stay off the internet so I wouldn't google everything that could go wrong. I think when I am actually pregnant I may need my husband to change our wifi password at home and not tell me what it is to keep me off.
We are still freaking waiting on hearing if Oklahoma got her period or not. I was told it would be last week! WTH?! I love my RE nurse but I also know how busy she is that I could easily slip through the cracks and she forget to update me. While I don't want to bother her with calls and emails, we are paying out our asses for this cycle so I figure sending her an email last night asking for an update wasn't too pushy. She replied early this morning that she had left Oklahoma a message and was waiting to hear back. Sigh.
UPDATE: Nurse T called and Oklahoma is spotting and CD1 should be tomorrow! YIPEE
I am not a patient person. So waiting is killing me! So to help with the waiting I am trying to fill my calendar up as much as possible for the next 2 months. Like seriously I am gonna schedule the hell out of the next 8 weeks. Bring on the distractions!
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