Thursday, August 7, 2014

Reactions to twin pregnancy

I knew that when we announced we were having twins we would get hit with all sorts of comments and questions.  The husband and I read  several blog posts about it and tried to prepare our answers ahead of time.  We both have different approaches of course as I have no problem telling someone off and my husband is just too nice and would never offend anyone even if they offended him or were out of line.  It is both admirable and frustrating that he is so freaking nice sometimes.  Anyways so even though only about 25% off our families, friends, and coworkers know about the twins we have already started receiving stupid twin comments and questions.

1.  Do twins run in your family? This is the one we get the most.  Almost every single person outside of our family and closest friends has asked us this.  This is just a sneaky way of asking "Did you do fertility treatments?"  We answer "yes" well because technically they do on both sides.  Sure it's a half truth.  Sometimes they push the issue and ask which specific relatives are twins.  I answer tell them the two family members on my moms side and try to change the subject.

2. Are they Natural? This has only been blatantly asked one time.  I couldn't even believe question came out of this ladies mouth much less she asked me in front of about 12 other people.  If there hadn't been witnesses I would have killed her.  I still get livid every time I think about it.  I am sure the look on my face was one of shock but I quickly responded "Yes they were made by God".  I have read some good responses online so if I am ever asked again I might try one of them like "no they are actually made of latex how cool is that!" 

3. Are you shocked?  This is just another sneaky way of asking if this was planned by using fertility treatments. My response is "yes!  I am still trying to wrap my head around it!"  This is the truth.  I am still shocked everyday that I am pregnant at all much less with twins!

4. So after this you'll be done!  This is usually in the form of a statement rather than a question.  This one really surprised me because I have heard it a lot which I wasn't expecting. It is usually said to me in a friendly manner and honestly I just ignore it.  It is weird that people are thinking about it though.  We aren't done after twins, but not worth a discussion!

5. Do you know the sexes?  Ok not such a silly question.  When I say we don't know yet ( a lie but we aren't revealing this yet) but that they are fraternal twins they get a weird look on their face and then start asking the stupid questions.  Like "Fraternal... which ones are those?" " How do you know?"  someone even told me she said that the doctor must be wrong because she had a dream I had identical girls.  I have tried to explain the whole they are in separate sacks/placentas biological part and they get a glazed over look and they sometimes I laugh and tell them to google it. sigh.

6.  Did you use fertility drugs?  This has only been asked once.  A coworker who is an older lady that I actually do like.  I lied. It is none of her business.  You ask an inappropriate question you don't deserve the truth.  Now if a close friend or someone who was struggling asked me this question I would tell them we had help.

So  I am sure this is the tip of the iceberg and twin moms out there have heard it all.  I know the questions won't die down for a long time if ever so I will just have to get use to it.

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