Tuesday, June 24, 2014

8 weeks!

8 weeks today!  The furthest in pregnancy I have ever gotten!  Still early but I am learning to let go of fear and trying to enjoy this pregnancy. It is hard when you feel like crap but I am so grateful for each day.

We told our families over the weekend and there were many tears and smiles.  Our families have been so supportive as we have struggled and through our losses.  We are so blessed to have them.

We started telling our closest friends this week and it is scary because it is so early but since our families knew we couldn't take a chance and not tell them,  Our families have big mouths.  I am honestly not comfortable with lot's of people knowing, but it is what it is.

I have my first OB appointment tomorrow where I hope I gt to see the babies again.  The husband can't go and I don't feel comfortable with anyone else going with me to my first one.  I am nervous and ready to get it over with!

Symptoms: still have them all.  The zofran has taken the edge of my morning sickness but it is still with me pretty much all day.  The constant peeing is annoying and this morning the gas is well... in full effect and a bit embarassing!

Cravings:  not much.... chicken sandwiches from Chic-fil-a and Wendy's are tolerable.

Aversions:  meat in general...

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