Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Officially Homeless

Tomorrow is moving day.  And we are officially homeless. I should be scared or anxious but really I am sort of numb. I know this is just a step in towards our future. We will find a new home when it is time.  Moving in with my parents for a while will allow us to save a ton of money and put towards IVF or other procedures. It is just all part of this crazy journey.  I am so blessed to have an amazing husband to share this with.

In other news I get all my genetics/immune testing back on Friday.  I am very nervous for some reason.  I mean the results are what they are.  I am hoping/praying it gives us some answers to why I am having trouble getting and staying pregnant. If is something we can do something about than awesome.  If it is something that we can't do anything about then at least we know and can move forward with other options.  I guess I am scared we will get no answers and stay stuck in this fertility limbo land.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, I too moved back in with my parents in May with DH. On a similiar journey as you it seems.....
