Wednesday, July 30, 2014

13 weeks 1 day

My morning sickness has come back with a vengeance. ugh.   It isn't consistent but yesterday was pretty awful.  Time to break out the zofran again!

I think I am looking more pregnant... I am chubby so I don't have the cute little bump that the skinny girls get but I have something going on!  I have only gained 1 pound so I am happy with that.  I know it will be important to start packing on some weight with the twins but OB wants me to not gain more than 30.  It is easy not to gain right now as nothing sounds good to eat...  I put on weight super easy so not that worried about it yet. 

We have planned to announce the sexes of our babies on Labor Day at my families annual cookout.  All my cousins from out of town will be in so it makes sense to do it with everyone there.   I can't wait!!  The secret is starting to get harder and harder to keep!

Friday, July 25, 2014

12 weeks 3 days

First tri is almost in the rear view mirror.  Every book and website has a different opinion about when second tri starts.  I am considering 12 weeks second tri as I am not likely to carry the twins to 37 weeks.  I hope I can though!  That is what is utmost on my mind and heart.  I want to carry these babies as long as possible and get them here safe and healthy.  Most of my fears these days revolve around preterm labor.  While ecstatic that  our first tri screen and NT tests all came back fantastic, I am still scared.  I am really trying not to dwell on the fears but I have heard several sad stories lately with both twins and singletons that are heavy on my mind.  I have to just stay focused on the positives and truths.

1. Right now everything is going as it should
2.  I have excellent medical care and I am monitored frequently
3. I have a flexible job  in case I need to slow down, bed rest etc...
4. Statistically I have a very good chance of bringing home these babies
5.  God is in control ( the most important thing to remember)

I feel so much more connected to the babies this week after seeing/hearing them.  I can't feel them yet although their presence in my life is growing!  I can't roll over in bed on my stomach without feeling my "bump" etc... This pregnancy is progressing fast!  So falling in love with them more and more also makes me realize if I were to lose them how devastating that would be. 

Next ultrasound isn't for a month.  Gonna be a long time to wait but I am going to do my best to stay positive and enjoy these little miracles inside of me!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First Tri Screening!

I had my first tri screening yesterday and I was so nervous!  I am seeing an MFM since I am having twins and he was super nice and he was very good to explain and show us everything!  My baby boys were so big! I couldn't believe it!  Both are doing perfect and we didn't have any markers for any issues or chromosome abnormalities.  I FINALLY got to hear their heartbeats and I was sobbing so hard in joy!  Sweetest sound!  Went to OB this morning for my check up there and everything was good!

 I can't wait until I am officially out of the first tri in a little over a week!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Tomorrow I have my first tri screening with my MFM.  

Scared but so ready to see my babies!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mini Meltdown

Let me preface this post that I am EXHAUSTED!  I haven't slept well in days, jet lag is STILL a factor, I have a cold, and oh yeah I am growing TWO babies inside of me.

I am so grateful for this pregnancy.  I have dreamed about this time for years and I have prayed for this.  I told myself I wouldn't be one of those women who complained about pregnancy.  But it is hard.  I just feel so bad physically and so exhausted. I know this is all minor and this is what I not only signed up for but wanted and pleaded for.  So I feel like a total bitch and hypocrite for not "enjoying" pregnancy.  Pregnancy is scary.  Twin pregnancy is crazy.  My body is going through crazy amount of changes which is yes a miracle and amazing.  But also scary.  Every pull or twinge is scary. I still check for blood every time I go to the bathroom. I am petrified that something is wrong.  I am so anxious about my scan next week. I am trying to remain positive but I think the exhaustion is just wearing me down.

Last night the husband and I had our first fight since I got pregnant.  We don't fight often. I think our last fight was in like February.  Anyways I was tired and he was a jerk.  We talked it through but it was a reminder to me how he really doesn't get it.  I mean he is a guy he really can't.  Sigh.

ok enough venting. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

11 weeks

Babies are the size of a lime.  A freaking lime! 

I am exhausted!  A combination of growing babies, jet lag and a cold have me WIPED OUT!  I just got back from vacation so I can't miss work.  So I am just trying to get through the day then do nothing at night.  This is hard the husband but I think yesterday he realized I wasn't being dramatic.   I might have also worn myself out from the weekend.  We looked did some cleaning, went to the mall and even a couple of baby stores looking at furniture.  I found the cribs I want!  We won't buy them until after 20 weeks but I feel better knowing what I want.  Now I just need to pick a color for the nursery ( I have it narrowed down) and get that done here in the next few weeks.  So much to do!

My First trimester screening with my MFM is next week.  I am so anxious as I haven't had a sono in over a month.  While I haven't had any bleeding etc the IF brain isn't calm having not seen the babies in so long.  My hormones are looking good as I am still getting weekly checks with my RE for that.  He is starting to ween me off the estrogen and PIO injections.  Probably 2 weeks tops on those!

Cravings:  Not much still.  Which is why I haven't gained any weight ( yay!)  But this morning I had to have a McDonalds sausage biscuit. Cravings are still rare.

Aversions: Still meat in general. Nothing sounds good but things are usually tolerable.

Friday, July 11, 2014

10 weeks 3 days

Vaction was...exhausting.  Traveling overseas while pregnant with twins was harder than I thought it would be.  It really wiped me out.  But I am grateful that I got to see some more of Europe.

Before I left I had my OB appointment at 8 weeks and everything went well.  I like my OB. She is professional but not stuffy and I feel like she listens and doesn't try to rush me.  I do hate that you have to spend some much time in her waiting room though. I will also be seeing an MFM to monitor the twins and my first appointment with him is in a week and a half.  I am so nervous.  I haven't seen the babies in  over a month.  I am trying not to let my fears overwhelm me.  I am doing a pretty decent job.  I am still struggling with talking in certainties that I will get to keep the babies.  I am scared to name them or post on social media anytime soon about them.  I have picked up some sample colors to paint the nursery which is one step.  I promised my husband we could discuss names after the next sonogram.   I really don't want to post anything on social media until after we reveal the genders in 6 weeks. Everyone that is important to us already knows and everyone else can wait!

Cravings:  Not too many cream is usually always sounds good.  I had another craving for cripsy sesame chicken but I didn't give in. Chicfila is usually good with me.

Aversions: BBQ, meat in general, eggs etc...  Sometimes just thinking about certain restaurants I use to love makes my stomach turn.

Symptoms: Nausea ( better but sometimes I still need the zofran)  Heartburn, bloating, constipation, sore boobs, night sweats.